dvzlnk titeket itt, a kawaii-nezumin ^w^ Ezen az oldalon - idvel - mindenfle informcit s extrt megtallhatsz kedvenc animidrl ^u^ Az oldalon minden sajt rs/gyjts/fordts szal ne tessk msolni >o< Ha vhol mgis ltunk vmi lopott cuccot, akkor annak kvetkezmnyei lesznek!^w^
Ha van valamilyen fan munktok (fanart, fanfic), akkor kldjtek el e-mailbe s flrakjuk az oldalra! Lehetõleg rjtok oda, hogy melyik animhez kapcsoldik, gy neknk is knnyebb lesz betenni n_n Elõre is kszi ^u^ Kame & Nicky
Szerkesztõk: Kame & Nicky Design by: Nicky Start: ht... bonyolult gyhogy 2010. pr. 17. Bngszõ: Mozilla Firefox Felbonts: 1024 x 768 vagy 1280 x 1024 E-mail:Nicky & Kame-chan
I woke up this morning at dawn,
I believe that I've been reborn.
Threw out my dolls and got a dog-
So stop crying.
I look down and see,
My two feet on the ground.
Say it-
"oh won't you sing it baby"
Please sing,
This is my life, anyway...
Play a song and sing to me.
Sometimes everything looks
A little far away to me.
Sing a song and play with me,
With me.
My dreams have never changed.
We're looking at a happy tomorrow.
I wanna know who is calling me,
I've travelled so far.
Well I don't know,
But I still care.
(Yes I do, baby)
My favorite is
You make me feel so happy,
You make my body shake!
Just call my name,
Here for you...
We are looking at the morning light!
Play a song and sing to me,
Sometimes everything looks
A little far away to me.
Sing a song and play with me,
With me.
My dreams are still the same.
I feel so very happy,
Let's laugh!
Play a song and sing to me.
Play a song and sing to me,
Sometimes everything looks,
A little far away to me.
Sing a song and play with me,
With me.
My dreams have never changed.
We're looking at a happy tomorrow.
We're looking at a happy tomorrow.
Kattints a [►] gombra a szm meghallgatshoz s vrj pr msodpercet amg tnylegesen elindul ^^
Rest In Peace /2. end/
So... We can do everything
And we can do the right thing
So... We can do everything
And we can do the right thing
Yume wo mita. Kurai michi wo hitori de aruite
Oh yurayura kagefuminagara naita naita.
Dare ni mo mirarenai youni
Mayonaka ni me ga samete kanashikunatte
Kyou, anata ga yume ni detekimashita
Donna yume datta ka ha amari oboeteinai no desu ga
Totemo genki ni waratteita no de mou inai nante, hontou ni yume no you desu
So...We can do everything
And we can do the right thing
Aoi hana ga yureteta. Gogatsu no ame ni sotto nurete yureteita no
Mou inai nante aenai nante iwanai de
Ai no subete uketomete ima wo ikiteiru
Inorou shiawase wo inorou shiawase wo
Takusan arigatou. Iroirona koto wo itta keredo
Watashi mo mainichi dekoboko seikatsu wo shiteimasu
Demo daijoubu. Watashi ha ikiteimasu. Isshokenmei anata no bun mo
I choose to live
I choose to live.
Kattints a [►] gombra a szm meghallgatshoz s vrj pr msodpercet amg tnylegesen elindul ^^
Tomodachi *w*
ide nem jelizhetsz, csak k ^u^
Elite Team
vrakozik: senki
Csak szp s ignyes oldiknak. Meghvsos, de lehet jelizni is ^^ htha *o*